Essay: What Would Jesus Do in Old Age?
by Patrick G. Reardon and Patrick T. Reardon . When you get to be old farts as we are, you recognize that Jesus never made it to his 70s or [...]
by Patrick G. Reardon and Patrick T. Reardon . When you get to be old farts as we are, you recognize that Jesus never made it to his 70s or [...]
“Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” The voices of dozens of big-name African-American entertainers sang for joy in the song that came on when I started my car. It was the Hallelujah Chorus [...]
I’m Catholic to the core. I lector at Mass. My kids went to twelve years of Catholic school. I know the smell of incense and the flickering of altar candles. [...]
This essay originally appeared in the Chicago Tribune on 3.15.21. Well, Pope Francis, I disagree. I respect much of what you’ve done in the papacy, Holy Father, but this statement [...]
Some guy on ESPN the other day was complaining again about men who bring a mitt to Major League Baseball games, and I just don’t get it. Maybe that’s because [...]
Jesus and the people of Judea lived under the heel of the Roman army and of Tiberius, the emperor, which is a fancy name for dictator. The Zealots were the [...]
Back in the ‘80s, during a holiday get-together, one of the family elders, who was known for sweeping declarations, made a sweeping declaration: “You can’t be a Republican,” she said, [...]
It makes a lot of sense to establish June 19 — Juneteenth, the celebration of the emancipation of the final group of black slaves in 1865 — as [...]
I’ve started to think of it as The After. I mean that time when it will be safe for me and the rest of the world to do [...]
A conversation with a writer is, almost always, interesting and insightful. During a long career as a reporter for the Chicago Tribune, I was paid to talk with many, [...]